Immune Boosting Elderberry Tea

When you're looking to strengthen your system or fight off a cold, try this do-it-yourself immune boosting elderberry tea with all natural warming ingredients.

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Everyone is sick.

I have friends and family members who have stuffy noses and are blowing their noses all day long.

My exercise classes are full of people with hacking coughs.

I used to be one of those people who caught every cold that went around.

Since I’ve turned to clean eating and living a balanced lifestyle, I’ve felt very fortunate that I’ve been cold-free for years. (I’m knocking on wood as we speak).

Cold busting immune boosting elderberry tea |

However, I’m often asked what to do to keep the immune system strong, especially during cold and flu season.

One of my healthy go-to’s is this cold busting, immune boosting elderberry tea.

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Elderberry Health Benefits

If you're new to elderberry, let me tell you about the amazing health benefits.

Elderberries are a strong antioxidant with effective anti-inflammatory properties.

It's been shown to elevate the immune system to keep the flu at bay, and if it's too late, elderberries can reduce the severity and duration of a cold.

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More Elderberry Benefits

Need any more reasons to get some immune boosting elderberry in your life?

Elderberry is a fiber powerhouse, giving you over 40% of your needed fiber intake in one serving. Because of all of that fiber, elderberries are great for digestion.

Elderberry has also been shown to be a worthwhile natural laxative and diuretic. It's good for your skin, and best of all may help prevent cancer. Yeah, you want in on elderberries in your life.

Cold busting immune boosting elderberry tea |

Where to Buy Elderberry

I bought a big ol' bag of elderberries on Amazon - make sure to look for organic one's like these.

If you don't have time to DIY, you can buy elderberry syrup too. I like this brand

Cold busting immune boosting elderberry tea |

Elderberries have a nice natural sweetness and can also be a bit tart, so I rounded out the flavor in my elderberry tea with some warming chai spices like cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom. I didn't think they needed any sweetener, but if you must, throw a little local raw honey in or a drop of Stevia.

Besides my immune boosting elderberry tea, get plenty of sleep and stay hydrated to keep yourself healthy during cold and flu season.

Immune Boosting Elderberry Tea

Makes about 3 cups


  • 6 cups of filtered water

  • 3 tablespoons dried elderberries (I like these)

  • 2 cinnamon sticks

  • 4 pieces of cardamom

  • 4 whole cloves

  • 1" fresh ginger, cut into slices

  • Honey or stevia to taste (optional or try my honey ginger syrup)


  1. Place all of the ingredients, except the sweetener if you're using, into a pot on the stove. Turn to medium heat and once you reach a boil, cover and reduce heat to low. Simmer for at least 30 minutes, but up to an hour. Once desired taste and consistency is reached, strain the tea through a colander and enjoy. You can place any leftover tea in a glass mason jar to refrigerate for a few days.

Want some more warm recipes? Try one of my soups.

Cold busting immune boosting elderberry tea |
Cold busting immune boosting elderberry tea |