A Better Way To Do New Year's Resolutions

Ditch your New Year’s Resolutions and learn an easier, more fulfilling way to achieve all that you want. Learn a better way to do New Year’s Resolutions.

How to bring more joy into your life this year | TastingPage.com #resolutions #newyear #newyears #goals #happiness #selfawareness #mindfulness

Are you a resolution hater?

Do they just bum you out because they never last?

You’re not alone. Almost 80% of resolutions don’t make it.

It can feel pretty daunting to think up new goals each year, only to know that you usually don’t stick with them, and the same ones keep appearing on your list every January.

This year, I invite you to try a better way to do New Year’s resolutions.

Because you want more of the good stuff and less of the bad stuff, right? Right!

So here’s what you want to do.

How to Achieve More Joy In Your Year

new year's resolutions

Reflect on the Best

Have a think back on last year, and pick your 3 favorite experiences.

What lit you up?

What made you so happy that you beamed for days?

When did you feel the best or feel the most fulfilled?

Take stock and note what contributed to your best moments.

Write it down.

Pen to paper.

Add to it.

Find the Why

Then take your list for the most important part.

List why you liked each experience so much.

For instance, one of my favorite memories was going to a Tony Robbins conference. Why?

Tony Robbins

He exuded so much inspiration and knowledge.

My mind and body got a reboot.

I was expanded. I grew. I learned.

I felt like I got an enormous recharge after leaving the conference.

I love learning and I’m always (somewhat begrudgingly) trying to push myself out of my comfort zone. Whenever I do, I’m super happy. I never have regrets because I’ve grown in exponential ways.

Identify and Repeat

So what does this mean for the new year?

I won’t be seeing Tony Robbins again this year, but I’m going to focus on all of the emotions I got from the conference and try and get those again with a different experience.

I know I enjoy learning, being inspired, growing, and getting out of my comfort zone, so I’ve been looking for ways to get some of these same feelings.

Conferences usually hit most of those marks for me, so I’m looking at what online, virtual, and other similar events are happening this year.

And I’ve already booked one.

Commit and Schedule


I scheduled it. I paid for the conference.

It’s locked into my schedule.

That’s how you make a commitment to yourself.

I’m not just hoping that maybe I’ll go to a conference again someday.

I planned, scheduled, and committed.

That’s how change happens.

“Resolving” to do something doesn’t mean you’re committed. You’re just kind of wishing. Hoping. Maybe.

That could be why your resolutions haven’t stuck. You haven’t truly committed to them.

So look at your favorite experiences from the year and examine why they were your favorite.

What feelings and emotions came up for you?

Emotions tend to be really powerful. They have staying power.

Harness your favorite feelings of the year and make sure you cultivate those emotions through similar experiences on a regular basis.

If you can’t do what you did last year, be creative, and think of new ways to achieve the same results.

You can learn more about this in the video above.

Reflect and Avoid

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I’m not a fan of stewing in past misery but I do believe in learning from mistakes.

So have a think back to your previous year and think about some of your lower points.

What are you looking to avoid this year?

How do you NOT want to feel?

What do you want to avoid repeating?

For me, it usually means less time on social media. The mindless scrolling game often turns into a comparison black hole that doesn’t end well.

Other things that often make my do not repeat list is eating while stressed or feeling extra emotional. That usually leads to emotional eating and not great food choices.

The same goes for skipping workouts. When I skip, I usually make poor eating decisions and feel low energy all day.

This means that I need to make sure I’m staying balanced in my mind and body through meditation, deep breathing, and other relaxation methods.

Watching my stress levels is key to maintaining good eating habits and exercise routines.

Cultivating Awareness

Being aware of what you want is just as important as knowing what you don’t want.

You can’t change something you can’t see or acknowledge so be sure to shed light on the positive as well as the negative.

And if you're looking for greater health, energy, and peace of mind, and keep finding yourself stuck or losing energy, I'd be honored to be your guide.

A coach is helpful when trying to create new habits.

Not only do I co-create a program with you to achieve your goals, but I also hold you accountable in achieving all that you want.

We’re not wishing. We’re creating a roadmap for your success.

I’ve opened up more one-on-one coaching spots for the year so you can start bringing into your life all that you want.

I want you to be happy and healthy, full of energy, and balanced in mind and body. Reach out today so we can get started.

How to get all that you want this year without writing one resolutions | TastingPage.com #resolutions #goals #newyears #productivity #health #wellness

More Health Inspiration

A better way to do New Year's Resolutions | TastingPage.com #resolutions #goals #newyears #productivity #health #wellness